Alinea's Nutritional Coaches
Megan Brooks
Hey There!
I'm now honored to be working as a health coach at Alinea!
You will find me teaching others how to successfully achieve their goals towards a life of healthy living.
My Health Story
After having my third baby, I had been dealing with brain fog, chronic infections, arthritis, fatigue, and more. Despite this, I thought I was a generally healthy person.
I was introduced to Alinea. I was amazed at how specific the testing pinpointed the issues I had. I started working with Michele and hit the ground running with a complete lifestyle change!

I eliminated processed foods and sugars from my diet, and as I started to deal with root issues I had been experiencing, I began to see healing physically, mentally, and emotionally. The more that I learned, the more my eyes were open to the great expanse of the health community; I found myself wanting to learn more about nutrition, health, and wellness, so I did! I began schooling and received my holistic nutritional certification! I knew I wanted to help guide others with education and encourage them on their own health journey after my experience. It is amazing to me how...
...A Healthy Lifestyle Promotes A Healthy Body, Soul, And Spirit.
Holly Catania
Nice to meet you!
My name is Holly,​ and I'm thrilled to be a part of the Alinea Natural Health team. I work at the front desk, welcoming our wonderful members, assisting them with booking appointments, and ensuring they have everything they need.
My role also extends to managing Alinea's marketing efforts focusing on promoting our services and encouraging community engagement. With a degree in Marketing and three years of marketing experience at a national law firm, my educational background also includes two years of nursing school. This creates a unique combination that allows me to support our clients holistically, helping them improve their preventative health approaches through both practical support and engaging health communication.

I have also recently become certified as a nutrition coach, which I am very excited about. I've always been passionate about health and wellness, and firmly believe that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, and it's our responsibility to nourish and care for them. This new venture will allow me to provide even more comprehensive support to our clients.
I feel truly blessed to work for a Christian organization like Alinea Natural Health, where my values align with my work. It's great to be part of a community that shares that same values, faith, and dedication to promoting overall well-being. I look forward to continuing to grow with Alinea Natural Health and to encouraging and supporting the overall health and well-being of the individuals we serve.
Chucki Emerson
My name is Eurith “Chucki” Emerson. I am so excited and humbled to be a part of the Alinea Team. I am one of the Nutrition Coaches and I also assist Michele in various capacities. I have strong organizational skills, love working with people and assisting them with “Getting Well.” That is exactly what happened to me as a member of Alinea.
I am semi-retired from healthcare. My focus was working in Memory Care as a Certified Dementia Care Practitioner and Administrator. I spent many years training and public speaking in the healthcare arena.
My personal story has been paving a road of wellness. I would start out very motivated and ready to get healthy and then would fall back into the poor habits of not sticking to the plan. I was one that knew what to do but did’t always do it.

The Alinea program and plan was exactly what I needed to follow through with taking care of my mind, body, and soul. My body responded extremely well to all of the recommendations and the nutrition coaching, that healing has happened and still is today.
With my strengths in leading and guiding people, as well as having compassion for those who are searching for a higher quality of life, allows me this opportunity to be part of Alinea Natural Health. Believing in the natural processes of healing is real and we see it at Alinea in our members everyday. I have learned to live from the inside out. When I am healthy and whole, that opens the opportunity for me to serve others. I look forward to meeting new members and assisting them with their Natural Health journies.
I started my health journey with Alinea in August 2023 with several chronic conditions including high blood pressure, chronic UTIs, stomach bloating, hormonal and weight gain issues. I have tried many different ways of trying to get healthy and lose weight and failed every time.
The number one reason of giving Alinea a try is the fact that they are Christian based and truly want you to thrive physically, emotionally and spiritually.
What I learned was that our bodies need proper nutrition and an environment to heal itself in, which I am experiencing. It is not a quick fix, rather it is true healing! Within four months of my health journey, I began to see many of these issues decrease, including losing over 10 pounds. Michele and her staff are exceptional and are very encouraging to help me understand how my body works and what my body needs.
Kathy Horst

​This is the best gift I have ever given myself. I encourage anyone that is struggling for answers about their health and their body to reach out and schedule a consultation that can truly bring a life change!
I am very thankful that God led me to Alinea, a Christian organization, that truly has given me the answers to become healthy and to allow God to heal me physically, emotionally and spiritually. I can now work with Alinea providing office support and greeting all our members with a friendly smile!